Helping you FEEL as successful as you LOOK

Are you a successful professional or executive woman who has achieved everything society defines as success, yet feels something is missing? You’re not alone. If you are ready to talk about the questions that keep you awake at night, you can book a complimentary session following the link below.

Hi, I’m Gabriela! Welcome to my website! I’m a personal coach and help professional and executive women transform burnout into authentic fulfilment and make their success feel as good as it looks. You can trust that landing here is for a reason. I believe that the people we encounter in our lives come for a reason, a season or a lifetime. I am grateful for having experienced all of them. If you are just passing through, please access my gift, the Authenticity Reflection Journal (see link below). It will guide you through a series of reflective questions which will lead you to greater clarity in your search.

Do you...

Feel you are taking care of everyone else but you?

Sense that thriving in a male-dominated world no longer makes sense?

Feel there’s more to life than just checking off boxes?

Feel: burnt out, overwhelmed and unfulfilled despite all the success you have achieved?

It's more common that you think. We are living in unprecedented times where, despite unprecedented prosperity, rates of depression, anxiety, and critical illnesses are rising. We have more “stuff” but less time and energy for what truly matters. We’re constantly bombarded with promises of happiness, yet the feeling often eludes us.

Imagine a New You Who…

Feels that who you are and what you do truly matter, and knows you can make a real positive impact on the world.

Wakes up every morning energized and playful, with more time for yourself and the things you love.

Is present and deeply connected, nurturing meaningful relationships with your loved ones.

Lives a fulfilled, authentic life, embracing every moment with joy and purpose.

Experiences a profound sense of inner peace, where stress and overwhelm are things of the past.

Thrives in a harmonious balance, effortlessly managing professional success and personal fulfillment.

Feels confident and empowered, knowing you are on the right path to true happiness and success.

If This Sounds Like You…

You’re in the right place. It’s time to trade the grind for a life that’s truly grand. Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Take the first step towards your new life today.

Ready for a Complimentary Discovery Session?
Click the link below to start your journey towards a more fulfilling, joyful, and authentic life.

person walking on beach during daytime

About me

Gabriela Gabor, BSc, MBA, NLP Practitioner, Feminine Power Practitioner, Heroic Coach

I consider myself an eternal lover of wisdom. When I was fourteen, I wanted to be wise by the time I’m thirty and then live my life blissfully. As you can imagine that was not the case. As I approached forty, I realized that wisdom is a path, not a destination.

I am fortunate to call more than one place home. Living in two different cultures and traveling the world have given me a broader perspective on life, helping me recognize the impact that culture has on our life choices.

For many years, I did everything I thought I needed to do to achieve what I wanted: earning an engineering degree, getting a family, moving to Canada, pursuing an MBA, securing the next level job, and gaining recognition for my work. But one day, I found myself questioning who I really was. Why did I feel lost? Why didn’t “having it all” bring the promised happiness? Why did my life no longer make sense?

That's when I started a deep and intense journey of self-reflection and soul-searching. After ending a nineteen-year marriage, I embarked on a path to find the answers my soul was longing for. Initially, I took many courses to support my personal growth. Along the way, I became inspired to be more intentional with my learning and decided to become a coach—a role I was already enjoying in my professional life.

These experiences have led me to where I am today: dedicating my life to helping and guiding others in their search for a meaningful life and authentic self-expression. My mission is to make a meaningful contribution to raising the consciousness of humanity.

I call this mission "The Missing Q." In leadership development, there is much talk about EQ (emotional quotient) alongside the classic IQ (intelligence quotient). These are indeed important. However, through my over  twenty years of corporate experience and recovering from a burn out, I realized there is an even more important quotient: the CQ (consciousness quotient). By balancing these three Qs, one can become a true leader in today’s complex world.

Smiling woman in a bright pink dress standing outdoors with city buildings and greenery in the background.

Personal Interests

My long-standing love for nature often finds me enjoying long walks along the river and hiking in the Rocky Mountains on weekends. Life is better with company, so I make it a point to spend time with family and friends and to make new connections.

Cooking and traveling are two of my enduring passions. I’m all about healthy and delicious food, and I love experimenting with new ideas. While I’m not fully vegan, I delight in creating vegan dishes and sugar-free desserts. Sometimes, I even amaze myself with how well they turn out! And, like anything in life, if a recipe isn’t quite a winner, I’m always learning how to perfect it next time.

As for traveling, I’m still working on my dream of visiting each continent. So far, I haven’t made it to Asia, Australia, or Antarctica, but they’re on my list!

Person hiking on a rocky mountain ridge with a scenic backdrop of rugged peaks and blue sky.

Discover Your True Treasure Within

I created a four-step comprehensive program tailored to meet your unique needs. Through this process, I will guide you on a personalized journey, beginning with creating a new vision aligned with your authentic self. Next, we'll uncover and peel away the inner barriers and layers imposed by society and culture, allowing you to rediscover the true treasure within. You will not only learn how to succeed but also how to thrive in every aspect of your life, equipped with tools to sustain your growth.

The materials and teachings I've developed stem from years of in-depth study (NLP, Feminine Power, Heroic Coaching, Sahaja Yoga, Trancedental Meditation Breathwork) combined with practical experimentation. Each element has been carefully selected for its proven effectiveness, ensuring a comprehensive and lasting transformation.

Let's embark on this journey together! It would be an honor and a privilege to guide you through your transformation.

woman spreading her arms

Ways To Work With Me

sun light passing through green leafed tree

One-on-One Coaching

Discover your true essence, purpose and authentic self through tailored coaching sessions.

people laughing and talking outside during daytime


Be part of a supportive community of like minded briliant women meeting weekly.

gray stones

Group Classes

Twice a month live classes with Q&A 

Let's stay in touch!

Send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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